
Sales Isoloc in Japan

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Isoloc brand. Our company can provide optimal endustrial accessories supplies for you from overseas. Isoloc products, produce properly for customer's necessities, can bu used easily even if in the hardest situations. When you wish to receive tender, just let us know the information of model.

Brand products Isoloc

NTS 120/20

Leveling plate


levelling screw

NTS 120/3050

Leveling plate

UMS10-ASF/20-2 (pat.)

Universal Präz. Machine shoe


Universal precision machine shoe

M24x1,5x150 mm

levelling screw

M24x100 mm

levelling screw


Machine shoe

30830 / UMS10-ASF/30

Universal precision Maschinenschuh

41202 NT 120/20

Leveling plate


screw decoupling


Universal precision Machine shoe

UMS6-KDS (pat.) / 30500

Universal precision Machine shoe

UMS8/SL-KDS (pat.)3.320 / 305S00

Universal precision Machine shoe

UMS8/SLZ-KDS (pat.) / 305SZ00

Universal precision Machine shoe

Other Category Brands

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