Prices  3GV27016AB Alcatel-Lucent Japan

BRAND Alcatel-Lucent
Product 3GV27016AB
Description S0-Interface for Alcatel-Lucent digital phones — compatible with Reflexes range, RJ11/RJ11 3m cable - 50 Hz — 220 volt European power supply.
Internal code YUS116200
Weight 1

You can find the current prices belongs to Alcatel-Lucent - 3GV27016AB coded S0-Interface for Alcatel-Lucent digital phones — compatible with Reflexes range, RJ11/RJ11 3m cable - 50 Hz — 220 volt European power supply. product. You can provide the all references you look for in endustrial accessories in our company with our unique product range. All of the listed products are with guaranteed origin and high quality. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. Contact us if you are looking for alternative price of 3GV27016AB .

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